The Euclid Teachers Association recognizes that a free society is dependent upon the education afforded its citizens.  In order to develop and preserve respect for the educational process and for the worth and dignity of humankind, to provide a climate in which actions develop as a consequence of rational thought, and to insure intellectual freedom, the Association affirms that educators must be free to contribute fully to an educational environment which secures the freedom to teach and the freedom to learn. Thus, the Association hereby adopts this Constitution.


Section 1.    Name.  The corporation shall be called the Euclid Teachers Association, Inc., (ETA), hereinafter referred to in this Constitution as the Association. The Association shall be a not-for-profit corporation.

Section 2.    Corporate Responsibilities.  The Association shall keep at its principle office the complete and correct records and books of account.  The Association shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of the Representative Council, the Executive Committee, General Assembly, any Association committee, as well as a list or record of the names and addresses of all members.

The Association shall be affiliated with the North Eastern Ohio Education Association, the Ohio Education Association, and the National Education Association and shall have an official year concurrent with the aforesaid regional, state, and national associations.


Section 1.    To work for the welfare of school children, the advancement of education, and the improvement of instructional opportunities for all.

Section 2.    To develop and promote the adoption of such ethical practices, personnel policies, and standards of preparation and participation as mark a profession.  All members shall abide by the NEA Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.
Section 3.    To unify and strengthen the teaching profession and to secure and maintain the salaries, retirement, tenure, professional and sick leave, and other working conditions necessary to support teaching as a profession and to promote, encourage, and assist other local organizations of teachers and to promote cooperation among such organizations.

Section 4.    To enable members to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to the teaching profession and to present their individual and common interests before the Board of Education and other legal authorities.

Section 5.    To encourage teachers to exercise their rights and privileges as citizens and to accept leadership in civic affairs.

Section 6.    To hold property and funds and to employ a staff for the attainment of these purposes.


Membership in the Association shall comprise a class of active members and such other classes as may be provided in the Bylaws.


Section 1.    Representative Council.  There shall be a Representative Council   which shall be the legislative and policy-forming body of the Association.

Section 2.    Composition.  The Representative Council shall comprise delegates determined by procedures as provided in the Bylaws.


The officers of the Association shall be:  a President, a Vice-President, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, whose duties, responsibilities, and manner of election and tenure in office shall be as provided in the Bylaws.


Section 1.    The Executive Board shall be responsible for the management of the Association, carry out policies established by the Representative Council, report its transactions and those of the Council to its members, and suggest policies for consideration by the Council.  It shall adopt rules governing the employment of staff and other such responsibilities as provided in the Bylaws.

Section 2.    The Executive Board shall represent the Association in negotiating teacher benefits and personnel policies with the governing and appropriating bodies of the school system.  Within policies established by the Representative Council it may make decisions binding the Association in these matters.  The Board may delegate its power to negotiate to another committee or representative.

Section 3.    Composition.  The Executive Board shall consist of officers of the Association, the Past-President, and six (6) members of the Representative Council, as provided in Article VII, Section 1., of the Bylaws.


There shall be standing committees and such other committees as may from time to time be constituted as provided in the Bylaws.


The Association may enter into affiliation agreements with organizations involved with or interested in education including, but not limited to, national, state, and regional associations.


Section 1.    Proposal of Amendments.  Amendments of this Constitution may be proposed by one or more of the following:

A.    by a majority vote of the Executive Committee;

B.    by petition signed by at least five (5) or more members of the Representative Council;

C.    by petition signed by a total of five percent (5%) or more active members of the Association;

D.    by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee of the Association.

Section 2.    Amendment of the Constitution.  The Constitution shall be amended in accordance with the following procedures:
A.    An amendment to the Constitution shall be presented in writing to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and read by title to the Representative Council.  Provided that the other requirements of this section have been met, it will be voted on at the following Representative Council meeting to determine its status as a proposed amendment.

B.    The text of the proposed amendment shall be printed in an official publication sent to all Council members at least five (5) calendar days prior to its consideration.

C.    A proposed amendment to the Constitution may be debated, refined, and/or amended by the members at the Representative Council meeting at which it is presented.

D.    Amendments shall be voted upon in accordance with the Landrum-Griffin Act as provided in the Bylaws, and shall become part of this Constitution when ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members of the Association voting thereon.


The Representative Council shall have the power of interpretation of this Constitution and the accompanying Bylaws.  Any decision of the Representative Council concerning an interpretation of this Constitution and its Bylaws may be revoked by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership at a General Assembly.


Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the authority on parliamentary procedure at any meeting of the duly constituted bodies of the Association.


This Association shall adhere to and obey the laws of the United States of America and its political subdivisions.  Any Article in this Constitution and/or the Bylaws in conflict with the laws of this nation is null and void.



Section 1.    Name.  The Corporation shall be called The Euclid Teachers Association, Inc. (ETA), hereinafter referred to in these Bylaws as the Association.

Section 2.    Corporate Responsibilities.  The Association shall fulfill its corporate responsibilities as provided in the Constitution and other corporate responsibilities as may be provided in these Bylaws.


The purposes of the Association shall be as provided in the Constitution, and to provide for the needs of membership in such manner as shall from time to time be deemed appropriate by the Representative Assembly and/or the Executive Committee.


Section 1.    Classes.  There shall be three (3) classes of membership in the Association:

A.    Active Membership.  All persons regularly appointed as classroom teachers (including art, music, physical education, consulting teachers), nurses, psychologists, librarians, vocational coordinators, guidance counselors, home/school counselors, speech and hearing therapists, social workers, occupational therapists, and mobile van teachers, said work not to be of administrative nature, shall be eligible for active membership in this Association.

B.    Honorary Life Membership.  An Association member with ten (10) or more years of continuous membership prior to retirement shall be made an honorary member of the Association upon retirement and shall receive the official publications of the Association on request and shall be entitled to use the facilities and services of the Association office upon approval of the President.  Such person shall not have the right to vote, to hold office, or to represent the Association.

C.    Associate Membership.  Associate memberships shall be available to any person interested in education, excluding administrative personnel.  This shall be a nonvoting class of membership and may be obtained upon payment of prescribed dues, subject to the provision that no person eligible for active membership shall be admitted to this membership classification.

Section 2.    Membership Dues.  All active members of the Association must belong to the National Education Association, Ohio Education Association, North Eastern Ohio Education Association, and their local association.  Dues in the Association shall be paid annually and are as follows:

A.    Active Membership.  As of October 1, 1984, the annual membership dues of the Euclid Teachers Association is established at a millage rate of the contracted teacher base salary in the system.  The maximum rate is 3.5 mills.  The annual dues millage is to be established by the Representative Council upon the recommendation of the Executive Board after a review by the Treasurer and the budget committee.  A portion of that established millage is to be set aside to maintain a separate account minimum balance of $5,000. Such funds may be expended for emergencies at the discretion of the Executive Board.

B.    Honorary Life Membership.  There shall be no dues assessment as provided in Article III, Section 1., of these Bylaws.

C.    Associate Membership.  Dues shall be one-half of the active membership dues rounded to the next highest dollar when the dues of the National Education Association, the Ohio Education Association, and local dues are also set at one-half of the active.

Section 3.    Expulsion of Members.  According to procedure adopted by the Association, the Representative Council may suspend from membership or expel any member for one or more of the following reasons:

A.    Violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession;

B.    Conviction of a felony;

C.    Actively engaging in, or actively supporting, activities directed against the constitutional purposes of the Association to bring about changes in the Association by means other than those that are consistent with the Association’s Constitution.

The Representative Council may reinstate members previously suspended or expelled.

Section 4.    Due Process.  The Association guarantees that no member may be censured, suspended, or expelled without a due process hearing, which shall include an appropriate appellate procedure.


Section 1.    Representative Council.  The Representative Council shall be the legislative body of the Association as provided in the Constitution, Article IV, Section 1., and shall consist of:  (A) the officers; (B) one faculty representative for each twenty (20) teachers or fraction thereof with a minimum of one per building, to be elected from and by each elementary, middle school, high school, mobile van unit, support services group consisting of psychologists, home/school counselors, speech and hearing therapists; (C) the chairperson of each standing committee; (D) the immediate past-president; (E) the editor of the Association newsletter.

Section 2.    Any member of the Association who is not a member of the Representative Council may attend its meeting, may receive permission to speak, but shall sit apart from the voting body.

Section 3.    It is the policy of this Association and it shall take all legally permissible steps to achieve governance and delegate representation of ethnic minority at least proportionate to the ethnic minority membership in the Association.

Section 4.    The Representative Council shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month excepting June, July, and August.  The President is empowered to change any date with the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 5.    Special Representative Council Meetings.  Special meetings of the Representative Council may be held at the call of the President or upon written request to the Executive Board from five (5) faculty representatives. Business to come before special meetings must be stated in the call, which shall be sent in writing to each representative.

Section 6.    General Membership Meetings.  The President shall call annual meetings of the General Assembly and monthly meetings of the Representative Council. Additional meetings of the General Assembly may be called by the President, the Representative Council, or by a petition signed by twenty (20) or more members of the Association requesting a meeting of the Assembly, which petition shall state in general language the purpose of the meeting and shall be submitted to any of the elected officers of the Association.  A meeting of the General Assembly shall be called by the President or the Representative Council within fifteen (15) days from the date that the petition is presented, which meeting shall be confined to the issues presented in said petition.  The membership of the Association shall be advised of said meeting of the General Assembly at least ten (10) days preceding said meeting.   At any time the General Assembly can approve action but may also make such approval subject to a vote of the entire membership of this Association.  A majority of those voting on the issue will have to approve the same before it becomes the official action of the General Assembly and the Association.

Section 7.    Rules of Order.  Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the authority on all questions of procedures not specifically stated in this Constitution and Bylaws.  A parliamentarian, who shall be appointed by the President, will attend all General Assembly and Representative Council meetings to rule on questions of procedure, and Executive Board meetings at the discretion of the President.


Section 1.    At the Executive Board meeting, a quorum shall be three-fifths (3/5) of its members.

Section 2.    At the Representative Council meetings, a quorum shall be a majority of its members.

Section 3.    At the General Assembly meetings, a quorum shall be fifty (50) members of the Association.

Section 4.    If the existence of a quorum is challenged by a member in attendance at a General Assembly meeting, a Representative Council meeting, or an Executive Board meeting, and it is discovered that a quorum is in fact not present, the President is empowered to set another meeting date.


Section 1.    President.  The President shall preside over meetings of the Executive Board, the Representative Council, and the General Assembly.  The President shall appoint the chairpersons and members of the standing committees and special committees, subject to the approval of the Representative Council, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.  The President shall be the executive officer of the Association, shall represent the Association before the public either personally or through delegates, and shall perform all other functions usually attributed to this office.  The President and designees shall serve as representatives to the local UniServ Coordinating Council.

Section 2.    Vice-President.  The Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President in case of absence or resignation of the President and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President of the Association or the Representative Council.  The Vice-President shall work closely with and coordinate the activities of the following committees: Committee on Curriculum and Instruction, Committee on Nominations and Elections, Committee on Human Relations, Title IX Committee, New Teacher Orientation, Social Committee, Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities, Educators Political Action and Legislative Committee, Committee on Teachers’ Benefits, Committee on Public and Professional Relations, Negotiating Committee, and the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 3.    Secretary.  The Secretary will keep complete and accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, Representative Council, General Assembly, and special meetings.  The Secretary will be responsible for correspondence and distributing the minutes of all such meetings where applicable.

Section 4.    Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for receipt and disbursement of any and all Association funds.  The Treasurer shall, along with the President, Business Manager, and Past President, develop the annual budget and present it for approval by the Executive Board and Representative Council.  The Treasurer shall budget for the maximum number of delegates allowed to attend the NEOEA, OEA, and NEA Assemblies to provide for full representation of the Association.  The Treasurer is responsible for presenting a monthly statement of expenditures and receipts to the Representative Council and for the filing of any requested form by a governmental agency such as IRS.


Section 1.    The Executive Board shall consist of the following voting members, effective May 1, 1984: President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, two (2) elementary faculty representatives, two (2) middle school, and two (2) senior high faculty representatives.  When a vacancy occurs within the representatives to the Executive Board, the President shall appoint a member from that appropriate group (high school, middle school, elementary) to fill that vacancy.  The President may request any Association member to attend an Executive Board meeting.

Section 2.    The Executive Board shall represent the Association in negotiating teacher benefits and personnel policies with the governing and appropriating bodies of the school system.  Within policies established by the Representative Council, it may make decisions binding the Association in these matters.  The Board may delegate its power to negotiate to another committee or representative.


Section 1.    The Representative Council shall approve the budget, act on reports of committees, and approve resolutions and other policy statements.  It shall adopt such rules governing the conduct of the Association and the conduct of meetings as are consistent with this Constitution and Bylaws. Powers not delegated to the Executive Board, the officers, or other groups in the Association shall be vested in the Representative Council.

Section 2.    The Representative Council shall have the authority to remove any officer of the Association from office and any member of the Association from membership in the same under the following circumstances:  (A) Charges in writing shall be filed with any member of the Representative Council.  (B) The Representative Council shall hold a special meeting on the charges thus presented, at which meeting a quorum shall be no less than fifty percent (50%) of the eligible members of the Representative Council, and said council shall hear the details of the complaints as made and the defense of the officer or other member concerned.  The Representative Council can cause an independent investigation to be made of the charges presented.  (C) After diligently investigating the charges made, the Representative Council shall have a secret ballot to determine what action in the way of censure or expulsion should be taken.  A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the Representative Council meeting is required to either remove an officer from office or to expel a member from the Association.

Section 3.    A vacancy existing in the Representative Council, other than that of a regularly-elected officer, from any cause other than expiration of a term, shall be filled by a majority vote of the members of a building group wherein the vacancy occurs.  A person so elected shall hold office for the unexpired term of the member such person represents.

Section 4.    Faculty Representatives shall attend the regular meetings of the Representative Council.  After two (2) unexcused absences of a representative, the President may declare the seat unfilled and call for a faculty election to fill out the term.  The President may designate a member in good standing to organize an election.


Section 1.    Terms and Succession.

A.    All officers shall take office on May 1st.

B.    The officers shall serve for one (1) year and, with the exception of the President, two (2) year term, may be re-elected without an intervening term.

C.    In case of a vacancy in an office, it shall be filled by the recommendation of the Executive Board and approval by the Representative Council, and the person so chosen shall serve to the end of the unexpired term.
Section 2.    The terms of members of the Executive Board elected by the Faculty Representatives shall terminate at the first meeting of the Representative Council in May, at which time new members of the Executive Board will be elected by the Representative Council.

Section 3.    The Faculty Representatives’ terms shall coincide with the officers with the exception of the Executive Board members.  Building elections for Faculty Representatives shall be held on or before April 25.


Section 1.    Membership Chair. The Membership Chair shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.  The Membership Chair shall be responsible for carrying out the management policies of the Executive Board and the operating policies of the Representative Council. The Membership Chair shall also report to the Executive Board and the Representative Council concerning the general welfare of the Association and other matters as specified in the Policy Manual.

Section 2.    Newsletter Editor.  The Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.  The Editor shall create and produce a newsletter for the Association and shall assume other responsibilities as designated in the Policy Manual.

Section 3     The Uniserv Representative shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.  The Uniserv Representative shall be responsible for representing the Association at all Uniserv Council meetings.  The Uniserv Representative shall report to the Executive Board and the Representative Council action taken by the Uniserv Council.


Section 1.    There shall be the following committees, appointed by the President and subject to the approval of the Executive Board:  Professional Rights and Responsibilities, Fund for Children and Public Education (FCPE) and Legislative, Negotiations and Teacher Benefits, Constitution/Bylaws, Public and Professional Relations, Curriculum and Instruction, Nominations and Elections, Human Relations, Title IX Monitor, New Teacher Orientation, Social.

Section 2.    The Committee on Professional Rights and Responsibilities shall explore and prepare action programs for securing satisfactory personnel policies and procedures for the redress of grievances.  It shall advise the Executive Board on all procedures for the implementation of the Code of Ethics for all members of the Association.

Section 3.    The Fund for Children and Public Education and Legislative Committee shall have board concerns for local, state, and national legislation affecting the interest of the Association and for exercise of civic responsibilities by members.  The committee shall be diligent to inform members about newly enacted legislation.  It shall organize and oversee the work of the following subcommittees:  (A) state legislation–to study pending legislation and to promote activities leading to the passage of desirable state legislation for public schools; (B) federal legislation–develop activities leading to the passage of desirable federal legislation for public schools; (C) citizenship–to educate members and the public on the civic responsibilities of teachers and to develop programs that will encourage wide exercise of them.

Section 4.    The number of members of the ETA Negotiating Team is subject to the limitations as set forth in the Agreement between the ETA and the Euclid Board of Education.  There shall be up to a ten (10) member Negotiating Team.  The Negotiating Team is made up of seven (7) on the team and three (3) observers.  The Negotiating Team shall consist of:

A.    The Labor Relations Consultant (LRC) who may serve as chief negotiator and spokesperson for the Association during the negotiating session. The LRC, as negotiator, will be under the direction of the Negotiating Team.

B.    The Negotiations and Teacher Benefits Committee Chairperson shall be appointed by the President. The Committee Chairperson will preside over meetings of the committee, attend district insurance committee meetings, and may accompany the officers of the Association in their regularly scheduled meetings with the Superintendent of Schools.  The Committee Chairperson shall then appoint the remainder of the Negotiating Team.  This team shall be comprised so as to represent the three (3) levels of instruction–high school, middle school, and elementary.

C.    The researcher, who shall compile information necessary to the negotiations from the ETA meetings.

D.    The recorder, who shall keep accurate minutes of the negotiating committee meetings and negotiating proceedings.

E., F., and G.  Appointees representing other areas of education.

H.    The President of the Association during the period of negotiations may be a member of the negotiating team or an observer.

I.    The Professional Rights and Responsibilities Chairperson may be a member of the negotiating team or an observer.  If a member of the team, then the observer position may be filled from the Negotiations Committee.

The Negotiating Committee shall be recommended to the Executive Board by the Negotiations Chairperson for approval, subject to the approval of the Representative Council.

Section 5.    The Committee on Teacher Benefits shall explore and prepare action programs as necessary in all areas of teacher benefits, creating sub-committees with particular responsibility for salaries, leave, fringe benefits, insurance, credit and investment facilities, and general working conditions.

Section 6.    The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws shall keep the bylaws in line with mandatory additions to the bylaws emanating from NEOEA, OEA, and NEA; review periodically for superficial flaws; and observe local activities for possible revision.  The committee shall present formal changes, additions, and/or deletions at a General Membership meeting under the rules of Article XV of the Bylaws.

Section 7.    The Committee on Public and Professional Relations shall seek to develop public understanding of the purposes and programs of the Association, the values and importance of education, and, in cooperation with the administration, the educational philosophy and programs of the schools.  It shall develop procedures by which the Association can work cooperatively with parents and the public in civic, fraternal, and social organizations, and through all available channels of communication.  The Committee shall organize and oversee the following subcommittee: Membership and Professional Information–to organize and conduct local, state, and national membership enrollment among nonmembers and to inform members of the policies, programs, and accomplishments of all associations.

Section 8.    The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall present a slate of qualified candidates for the offices of the Association and shall secure the consent of each candidate.  The Committee shall be in charge of the nominations and elections of all official Association delegates.  Rules and procedures for balloting and ratification shall be developed by the Committee and approved by the Representative Council in accordance with the OEA Elections Manual.

Section 9.    The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall present a slate of qualified candidates for the offices of the Association and shall secure the consent of each candidate.  The Committee shall be in charge of the nominations and elections of all official Association delegates.  Rules and procedures for balloting shall be developed by the Committee and approved by the Representative Council.

Section 10.    The Committee on Human Relations shall promote the understanding, unity, and communication among all groups in the school and school district communities.

Section 11.    The Title IX Monitor shall keep the Association aware of all discriminatory practices, whether intentional or unintentional.  Equitable practices shall also be brought to the attention of the membership.

Section 12.    The Committee on New Teacher Orientation shall develop and conduct programs for the orientation of new teachers to the community, the school system, and the Association.

Section 13.    The Social Committee shall organize such social activities as may serve the needs of members and promote fellowship within the Association.


Section 1.    The Nominations and Elections Committee is charged with the responsibility to protect the integrity of an election or vote and ensure than an election is conducted in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the OEA Election Manual and with local, state, and national constitutions.

Section 2.    The Committee on Nominations and Elections shall present a slate of candidates for the offices of the Association and shall send a copy of the slate and the qualifications of the candidates to the members at least one (1) week before the nominating meeting in April.  This shall not prohibit any member of the Association from making nominations from the floor of the General Assembly, providing he has the consent of the nominee. Should three (3) or more people be candidates for the same office, a majority vote of those voting is necessary for elections.  The nominees for President shall have served one year on the Representative Council.

Section 3.    The President and Vice-President of the Association shall, by virtue of their office, be official Association delegates at conventions.  When either the President or the Vice-President is unable to act in this capacity, the delegates shall be those persons who have mailed a letter of intent to be a delegate and have received the highest number of votes in the delegate election.

Section 4.    Election of officers shall be conducted by secret ballot in each building during one school day designated by the committee on Nominations and Elections.  This committee shall report the results of the election to the total membership within ten (10) days following the election.  All ballots, marked, unmarked, and voided, and all other records pertaining to the election of officers of this Association and OEA and NEA delegates and alternates shall be preserved for one year from the date the election was held, and such ballots and other records shall be made available to OEA officers upon request for inspection and examination.  This procedure is required by Landrum-Griffin.

Section 5.    Election of members to Representative Council, as defined in Article IV, Section 1., of these Bylaws, shall be held just prior to the May Representative Council meeting.  Current building representatives shall be responsible for conducting these elections and for forwarding the results to the President.

Section 6.    The election of representatives to the Executive Board shall take place at the first Representative Council meeting in May, as defined in Article VII, Section 1., of these Bylaws.  Each representative to the Executive Board is elected by a majority vote of its representative level, and the results reported to the President for announcement at the meeting.

Section 7.    All candidates to be official Association delegates at conventions shall submit a letter of intent.  The Association delegates to the North Eastern Ohio Education Association delegate assemblies shall serve as Ohio Education Association delegates to delegate assemblies.

Section 8.    The Nominations and Elections Committee shall distribute letter of intent forms for delegates to each faculty representative and allow one (1) week for their return to the committee chairman.  The committee shall prepare ballots with the names of all legal candidates.

Section 9.    Balloting shall be governed by the rules and procedures established by the Committee on Nominations and Elections and approved by the Representative Council.

Section 10.    Election results shall be reported to the President by the Committee Chairperson.  Elected and non-elected candidates shall be notified by the President and an election report given to the general membership.


Section 1.    The Executive Board may, with the approval of the Representative Council, call for a vote of the entire membership of the Association when an issue arises which the Executive Board deems to be of special importance to all members.  Such balloting shall be held in accordance with procedures established by the Committee on Nominations and Elections.

Section 2.    A.    A referendum vote may be requested by any member of the Association on any action taken by the General Assembly by filing a petition with any elected officer of the Association within thirty (30) days from the date of the General Assembly meeting.

B.    The petition shall be signed by twenty (20) or more members of the Association, not more than ten (10) of whom shall be from any one school building, and said petition shall state in general language the action of the General Assembly upon which a vote of the general membership of the Association is requested.

C.    Within ten (10) days after a valid referendum petition has been filed, ballots shall be distributed to all members of the Association stating the action taken by the General Assembly and providing blanks for each member to approve or disapprove the action of the General Assembly.
D.    The action of the General Assembly shall be sustained if the majority of the Association members voting on the issue give approval, and the action shall be vacated if the majority of the Association members voting on the issue give disapproval.

E.    Members of the Association shall be advised of the date, time, and place when said ballots shall be counted at the same time the ballots are distributed to the members of the Association.

F.    Ballots shall be counted no sooner than five (5) school days from the date said ballots are distributed and no later than ten (10) school days from the date said ballots are distributed.

G.    Any member of the Association may be present to observe the correct count of the ballots.


Section 1.    The dues of the Association shall be set by the general membership.  The term covered by the membership dues shall be from October 1 through September 30.

Section 2.    Active members’ dues shall include those that may be established by the North Eastern Ohio Education Association, the Ohio Education Association, and the National Education Association, with which the Association shall be a unified affiliate.


Section 1.    Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by the Representative Council, the General Assembly, or by initiative petition of the members signed by five percent (5%) of the members of the Association.

Section 2.    Amendments shall be voted upon and ratified by a majority vote of the total active membership of the Association.  Ballots shall be sent through the school mail to building representatives, who shall in turn distribute and collect ballots individually in accordance with the Landrum-Griffin Act.


Section 1.    A petition for dissolution of the Association may be presented in writing to a meeting of the general membership by any member in good standing and must contain the signatures of three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership of the Association.

Section 2.    Upon receipt of the petition for dissolution by the total membership, the Association shall act upon the petition at the next general membership meeting.

Section 3.    The Association shall be considered dissolved if three-fourths (3/4) of the total membership vote by secret ballot in favor of dissolution.

Section 4.    The effective date of dissolution shall be thirty (30) days from the date of the vote, thus allowing for the disposal of assets and liabilities.

Section 5.    In the event of dissolution of this Association, all assets of this organization remaining after payment of obligations shall be distributed equally to the following federally tax exempt organizations:  UniServ affiliate, North Eastern Ohio Education Association, Ohio Education Association, National Education Association.


This Constitution and these Bylaws shall become effective October 1, 1984, following their adoption and shall remain in effect until amended according to regulations herein provided.

Rev. May 30, 2008